Replacing a 2nd Gen Sensor

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In order to replace a 2nd gen sensor (green component), the user must:

  1. Remove the old sensor:
    • Ensure you annotate the old sensor MAC ID which is labeled on the body of the sensor
    • Loosen the thumb screw on the front of the sensor and slide the assembly out of the Sensor Harvesting Module (or SHM) (see Figure 1)
  2. Install the new sensor:
    • Ensure you annotate the new sensor MAC ID which is labeled on the body of the sensor
    • Slide the new assembly into the SHM and tighten the thumb screw (see Figure 2) 
  3. Navigate to the 'Eversensor Management' page (Gear Icon --> 'Management' --> 'Eversensor Management')
  4. Search for the old sensor using the 'MAC Address' column
  5. Select the old sensor --> 'View Steam Trap' --> 'Edit Steam Trap' -- 'Change Sensor'
  6. Select the new sensor MAC ID and installation time
  7. Confirm installation of the new sensor


Figure 1: STM2 with the Sensor Assembly removed



Figure 2: STM2 with the Sensor Assembly installed


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