1. STM Troubleshooting
This section provides troubleshooting information for issues that may occur with the Steam Trap Monitoring system during install or operation.
1.1. Installation or Configuration of Eversensor
1.1.1. Issue: Steam process reported off or power lost, but steam is still on.
- Ensure TEG saddle is firmly attached to the pipe and that there is sufficient airflow across the heat sink.
- Covering the heatsink with insulation may prevent the Eversensor from operating.
1.1.2. Issue: Steam or Condensate reported temperatures are inaccurate
- Ensure remote temperature probes are properly mounted and making contact with the pipe.
- If this is the case, insulation may be placed around the temperature probes and the pipe to ensure even temperature distribution.
- Ensure that the correct temperature probe is attached to the correct pipe. The red thermistor should be connected to the steam pipe while the blue thermistor should be connected to the condensate pipe.
1.2. Wireless Communications
1.2.1. Issue: Limited Range during Install
- Ensure the antennas are well connected on the gateway. Check that antennas are firmed screwed on. Loosen the antenna bracket if necessary to ensure that the coaxial connector is properly screwed on.
- Verify the Eversensor has its top face, facing the Evergateway.
- Place the Evergateway as high as possible to try and avoid interference in the path from the Evergateway to Eversensor.
- Move the Evergateway to a location that is not obstructing line-of-sight between the Evergateway and Eversensor.
- If additional degrees of freedom in placement of the Evergateway are needed, the antenna extension kit can be installed to increase range.
1.2.2. Issue: Eversensor has disconnected wirelessly
- Ensure the Eversensor has not been moved. If the Eversensor has been moved, reposition the Eversensor per section 3.4.
- Ensure no other interferers have been added in the path from the Evergateway to Eversensor.
- Check Evercloud to see if last good reading shows adequate voltage across VCAP (VCAP > 2.5V) for the sensor to power on.
- If VCAP is <2.5V then check TEG or check steam system is on and there’s enough temperature to power the sensor.
Everactive Contact Information
Everactive is always available to support our customers. If additional assistance is required, please contact success@Everactive.com.
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